Conflict Resolution: What Happens to You?

Nearly every community experiences conflict. As uncomfortable as it may be, it is a natural stage of community growth. If handled properly, conflicts are a healthy process of community living.

Some communities have trouble getting through conflicts for one reason or another. Use the following exercise to help you see how each person in the community reacts to and handles conflict situations.

1. Individually, circle the words below that best describe you and the way you deal with conflict. Take your time and be as honest with yourself as you can.

Aggressive, anxious, assertive, go off about other issues, angry, hint at the issue, spontaneous, external (bounce things off others), nervous, internal (try to figure out things alone), withdraw, confrontational, strategizing, patient, stick to the issue at hand, defensive, make big deal over "little things", gets off the subject

2. Now come together as a group and take turns sharing your styles. As you get to know each other's manners of handling conflict, begin discussing strategies for your community to use in dealing with the next conflict that arises.