Easter Tuesday Prayer

Daily Easter Prayer - Tuesday, April 10

“Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth shall declare your praise.”

O God, Who have bestowed on us paschal remedies,
endow your people with heavenly gifts,
so that, possessed of perfect freedom, they may rejoice in heaven over what gladdens them now on earth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

The Readings  Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18

Daily Meditation:
You give us the freedom of the children of God.
The opportunity to recognize the healing power of love
that has been offered us really does fill these days with power. It is about recognizing Jesus alive, and Jesus with me now.
It is about freedom from fear, freedom for courageous love and service.
Mary turned around and saw Jesus standing there.
But she did not know who he was. Jesus asked her, “Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” John 20:14-15

By his own power Christ raised up the temple of his body  when it had been destroyed in death.  With joy let us ask him:   Lord, share with us the fruits of your victory. Christ our Savior, when you rose again  you brought to the holy women and the apostles  the joyful news of a world redeemed,  - make us witnesses to your risen life. You promised to all people  that we would rise up again to newness of life,  - make us heralds of your Gospel. You showed yourself to your apostles  and breathed the Holy Spirit on them,  - renew in us the presence of the same creator Spirit. You promised to be with your disciples  to the end of the world,   - stay with us today, and remain with us always.

Closing Prayer:
Loving God, I feel your healing touch deep in my soul. I sense the power of Easter in your love for me. It is the power of your love that frees me to rely on your gentle care. I am filled with joy at the many gifts you give me. Let me now feel free to celebrate your love and share it with others.
May the Lord bless us,
protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
