In keeping with the Pastoral Circle, it is important to reflect theologically on what we are doing. In Matthew 6: 19-21, Jesus says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus tells us to not focus on our worldly possessions because they are fleeting, but instead, to focus on what cannot go away: our relationships with ourself, with others, and with God. During Lent, as Catholics, we are challenged to pray, fast and give alms. This allows us an opportunity to grow closer to God.
As a volunteer in a Catholic program, you have a special opportunity to take these three tasks to a deeper level because you are in a position to examine praying, fasting and giving alms through the lens of your experience as a volunteer who is living simply for this year or more of service. Most people do not have the opportunity to accompany those most in need, create structural change, work for the Church, live in an intentional community, and develop their spirituality like you have the opportunity to do during this year or more of service.
These six weeks of Lent are an ideal time to refocus your energy around simple living.
- Don’t eat meat for the entire forty days not just on Fridays.
- Limit your use of technology.
- Spend time with a community member or neighbor you do not know that well.
- Pray the rosary or spend a part of every day in prayer or in reflection on your life and relationship with God.
- Take part in any Lenten reflection opportunities the church in your community offers.
- Start spiritual direction, if you have not done so already.
- Save $5 from your living stipend every week and donate that money to the organization where you work or some other cause that is dear to your heart.
- Learn about a new social justice issue.
- Raise money or resources for a local soup kitchen, domestic violence center, or homeless shelter.
No matter what you decide to do this Lent, be sure to take the time to reflect on what you are doing, why you are doing it and how this can make you a better person. If you live in community, work together with your community members to support and encourage each other’s work during Lent. Cherish these forty days of growth and challenge and look forward to the Resurrection and how much you will develop as a volunteer, an employee, a community member and a Christian.