Pallotti Center Resources

Very often we get the question: so what does the Pallotti Center do?  The quick response is that we are a resource center for volunteers before, during and after a year or years of service.  But here's a little more in depth about our resources, with links to our website.

Before Service:
Connections directory - a searchable database of all of the programs we work with.  Take a look and find the right program for you.  We also publish a hard copy of the directory - email us if you would like a copy.

Tools for Discernment - Great resources to help you decide if you want to do service, what program to apply to, where to serve, and what type of work you want to do.

During Service:
Shared Visions - Our publication for current volunteers.

Volunteer Community Activities - Need ideas for a community or spirituality night?  We have many ideas for you organized by theme.

After Service:
What's Next Notebook - A book to help you transition out of volunteer service and back to "real life." 

Staying Connected - Our publication for former volunteers.

Job Bank - Looking for work?  Sign up to receive weekly email updates of job openings all over the country.

Network of Former Volunteers - Our listserv for former volunteers of our programs to help find people, churches, resources or places to live in your city. 

We are always looking for suggestions of how we can better serve you.  Please email us with ideas for programs and resources we can provide.