Celebrating the Life of Dean Brackley, SJ

Jesuit Father Dean Brackley passed away on Sunday after a battle with cancer.  Brackley volunteered to take the place of the Jesuits murdered in El Salvador in 1989.  He remained in El Salvador, as a professor and pastoral minister, until his death.  He was 65.

"I invite you to discover your vocation in downward mobility. It's a scary request... The world is obsessed with wealth and security and upward mobility and prestige. But let us teach solidarity, walking with the victims, serving and loving. I offer this for you to consider - downward mobility. And I would say in this enterprise there is a great deal of hope.

Have the courage to lose control.
Have the courage to feel useless.
Have the courage to listen.
Have the courage to receive.
Have the courage to let your heart be broken.
Have the courage to feel.
Have the courage to fall in love.
Have the courage to get ruined for life.
Have the courage to make a friend."
- Dean Brackley