March 2010

This month is quickly filling up fast for us at the Pallotti Center!

Our Program Director, Molly Linehan, will be visiting some of our Chicago programs March 8-12. If you would like to schedule a visit for your program, please feel free to contact us! Our goal is to visit more of our member programs this year.

You can find all of our member programs listed in our online "Connections" directory.

We also are lining up presentations for returning Spring Break missioners and summer missioners/Workcampers. If you are interested in a presentation about the opportunities for long-term service or transitioning from the service experience for your group, please contact us today!

Both our National Director, Mike Goggin and Program Director, Molly Linehan will be in LA March 18-21 for the Religious Education Congress. Look for our table, pick up your copy of Connections, and say hello to Mike and Molly!

And of course, we will finish out this month celebrating Holy Week and looking towards the Resurrection. God bless your Lent!