It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution.The emergence of great factories and consumption of immense quantities of coal and other fossils fuels gave rise to air pollution and the large volume of industrial chemicle discharges added to the growing load of untreated human waste.
The release of harmful chemicals lije CFC,carbonmono oxide,sulphur dioxide in air is air pollution.Main reasons for this is industries and vechiles. The release of waste products and contaminants into river, drainage systems, leaching into groundwater, liquid spills, wastewater discharges into water resources is watr pollution.
Soil pollution ouccurs due the release of chemicals into soil, over use of pesticides, insectisites and chlorinated hydrocarbons.Soil pollution cause decrease in ferility of soil.
Roadways noise, industrial noise and sonar intensities causes noise pollution.This causes deafness in human.Natural and man made sources causes other pollution like visual pollution,thermal pollution and light pollution.
These pollution causes respiratory diseases,throat inflammation, chest pain, and congestion. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water by untreated sewages.
To protect environment from adverse effect of pollution ie global warming many rules should be followed.Pollution control is a term used in environmental management. It means the control of pollutants into air, water or soil. Without pollution control, the waste products from consumption, heating, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation and other human activities, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. In the hierarchy of controls, pollution presevation and waste minimization are more desirable than pollution control.