Here are just some of our member programs from whom you can purchase Christmas cards or gifts this year. You can find more information about them or find their websites in our online Connections Directory:
L'Arche DC:
Some of the DC L'Arche community members are featured Art Enables artists
St. Joseph Indian School:
Christian Appalachian Project: https://www.appalachianhom
Honduras School Program-Olancho Aid Foundation-
Archive for 2009
Christmas Cards and Gifts
Parish Presentations
Did you know that the Pallotti Center gives presentations on long-term volunteer service? We also host events for former volunteers on transition and reflection. Check out these upcoming parish presentations in the DC area. All are welcome!
Thursday, Dec. 3, 7pm- Our Lady of Lourdes, Bethesda, MD- Julia Strukely will give a presentation to the Young Adult group at Our Lady of Lourdes on the benefits of long-term volunteering. Are you thinking about long-term service? Do you want to know more about this call for laity in the Church? Come on by!
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 7-8:30pm- Advent Night of Reflection, Shrine of the Sacred Heart Parish, NW DC- Pallotti Center Board Member, Jill Rauh, from the USCCB Peace and Justice Office, will be leading us in a night of reflection at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart parish in NW DC. The talk will be entitled, "Awaiting God's Kingdom in a Broken World". All are invited to join us for this night of fellowship, reflection, and refreshments. Please RSVP to
Interested in having a presentation at your parish? Email Julia Strukely, Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator:
If we will be concerned about the impacts of climate change then it will be easy to reduce the effects. It has already started. Many people are facing the effects of land slides and many more are dying.Many are facing starvation because it also harms the growth of crops. climate change leads the country and people of world to poverty.
The UN currently projects that global population will rise from 6.8 billion today to between 8.0 and 10.5 billion by mid-century.
The researchers said that with one and a half million more humans climbing aboard the planet every week, a recipe is looming for ecological overload, famine and broken states.Over population leads to drastic change in climate and eco-system.It leads to poverty,starvation,poor health,pollution and global warming.Continous over growth of population in least developed countries leads to ecnomic crisis,a failure of education and conflict
The unsustainable growth of population is exhausting convectional energy supplies,accelerating environmental pollution and global warming. This leads to natural calamities like acid rain and harmful diseases.The main quiery is that how can a country feed its 127 million population.
Many countries like China is applying 'one-child policy' to rediuce population.Some of the Muslim countries accep children as gift of god so they don't accept the family planning that increases the population. All women must be protected from unintended birth to controll population.

Fall Recruitment
The fall is a great time to search for a volunteer program (if you are not already serving with one!).
It is also a great time for volunteer programs to recruit volunteers.
The St. Vincent Pallotti Center provides recruitment services to member programs, but also promotes long-term, Catholic volunteer service in general.
We do this by visiting schools and universities speaking about the benefits of volunteer service and how it is based upon principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
If you would like to schedule a presentation for your community or school on Catholic volunteer service, please contact Julia Strukely, our Marketing and Recruitment coordinator at
You may also find a Pallotti Center staff member at any of the following university Service Fairs:
South Bend, IN
Notre Dame University- Sept. 30- 5-8pm
Washington, DC
Georgetown University- Oct. 7- 11am-2:30pm
The Catholic University of America- Oct. 7- 4-7pm
John Carroll University- Oct. 12- 5:30-7:30pm
University of Dayton- Oct. 13- 7-9pm
New England
Boston College- Oct. 26- 10am-1pm
Providence College- Oct. 26- 4-6:30pm
Stonehill College- Oct. 27- 11am-2pm
Assumption College- Oct. 28- 11am-2pm
College of the Holy Cross- Oct. 28- 6pm-8pm
Also find us at the NCYC Conference in Kansas City, MO, Nov. 19-22, 2009!
Human Connection, Shared Visions Vol. 20, No. 1
One of our many services to volunteers includes our quarterly publication, Shared Visions. You can read previous editions of Shared Visions here
As fall arrives here in the U.S., many volunteers are gathering in their new communities at their new placements where they've committed to serve a year or more of their time. We produce our first issue of each volume of Shared Visions at this time to aid volunteers in their transitions.
Our newest edition of this publication will emphasize the theme of 'Human Connection'. We heard from many volunteers who completed their terms of service last year who were surprised by the peace and help that detachment from technology and dependence on human connection brought them. We hope that this latest edition about the topic will serve current volunteers by encouraging them to do the same.
You can subscribe to receive current editions of Shared Visions by email or by mail. Simply email our Program Director, Molly Linehan, at
Not of Speech and Daydreams
"Remember that the Christian life is one of action; not of speech and daydreams. Let there be few words and many deeds, and let them be done well". - St. Vincent Pallotti
This quote from St. Vincent Pallotti supports what volunteers are doing in every country, in every state at this very moment. If you are a current volunteer, we at the St. Vincent Pallotti Center would love to keep up with your journey. Follow our blog and we will follow yours!
You can also send us your stories for us to post on our website: in our 'Stories from Volunteers' section.
If you are thinking about volunteer service, you can also go to our website and read the inspiring stories of current and volunteers. Search our online 'Connections' directory to learn about all the places and programs there are to serve with!
And if you have any questions regarding long-term volunteer service- overseas or domestic- please do not hesitate to contact us!
The St. Vincent Pallotti Center Staff