Be a Recruiter with Catholic Volunteer Network!
Volunteer in Alaska
It's an opportunity of a lifetime, at the top of the world!
Volunteer for KNOM Radio in Nome, Alaska, and receive invaluable experience at a nationally recognized radio station.
We have one position open on our volunteer team for 2012-2013. APPLY TODAY. Join KNOM’s small team of volunteers and staff. Take part in the mission to entertain, inspire, engage, and inform our listeners in Western Alaska. Provide service to the region through your voice on KNOM’s airwaves. The volunteer program at KNOM Radio truly is an unique and rewarding
opportunity, at the top of the world.
*No experience required.* Commit to live and work at KNOM Radio in Nome, Alaska for a year, and we’ll provide the training! Live in a community house with other volunteers, and work full-time at the station next door. Report on news in Nome and the rest of Western Alaska. DJ live, on-air. Write, voice, and produce your own radio pieces. Travel across the region to cover stories and attend cultural events. Cover the end of the Iditarod Trail sled dog race. Gain invaluable experience in broadcasting at a nationally award-winning radio station. We just ask that you have a bachelor’s degree, and are able to write and speak in clear, unaccented English.
*Where is Nome?* Nome is a community of 3500 located on the Bering Sea, an 1.5 hour flight northwest of Anchorage. It is a hub for smaller Alaska Native communities, to whom KNOM broadcasts, across 100,000 sq. miles. Nome has a fully equipped gym, a remote campus of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and a movie theater. It is a wonderful community offering a wide range of opportunities to become involved; from community theater to volunteer ambulance service, church activities to community sports tournaments. And there is plenty of wilderness to explore. Go hiking and salmon fishing in the summer. Throw on a parka in the winter, and go crabbing on the frozen sea or snowshoeing in the snow-covered country.
*How does it work? *KNOM pays travel expenses for you to and from Nome for your year of service. Receive room & board in a warm, comfy house, and a monthly stipend. Earn $5000 to cover past or future educational expenses. Health insurance is provided.
*Visit us online to find out more!* Check out our website to find out more about KNOM and our mission. Visit for FAQ’s and links to download the application.
*More Questions? *Email, and we’ll be happy to answer any
questions you have.
Your Adventure Awaits.